Fertility & IVF treatments
We have transformed access to fertility treatment across Europe and helped many couples, single women and same-sex couples to become parents.

Everyone's situation is different. Whether you are seeking to have IVF with donor sperm or eggs or require Insemination (IUI), our experienced medical team will assess your individual circumstances and design a bespoke treatment plan that will give you the best possible chance of success.
Insemination (IUI)
Insemination (IUI) is safe and affordable and is one of the least invasive fertility treatments. It is often the first treatment option for women with open fallopian tubes and a good egg reserve. It's also ideal for single women and same-sex couples who need donor sperm to conceive, but have no underlining fertility issues.
What are the benefits of IUI?
- IUI is safe and requires little or no medication
- It’s affordable
- It requires no sedation or invasive medical procedures
Who is IUI for?
- Women with good ovarian reserve
- Women with open fallopian tubes
- Same-sex couples and single women who need donor sperm to conceive but have no fertility issues
Want more information about IUI treatment?
Download our free IUI guide to find out more.
Mild IVF
Mild IVF is a form of stimulated IVF where lower doses of hormones are given for a short period in your own natural cycle with an aim to collect 8-10 eggs. Its focus is on the quality rather than quantity of eggs and embryos, while maintaining excellent success rates.
Benefits of Mild IVF?
- Fewer drugs
- Excellent success rates
- Fewer side effects & reduced risk of OHSS
- Better egg & embryo quality compared with conventional IVF
- Increased affordability when buying medication
Who is Mild IVF right for?
- Women with a normal egg reserve
- Those having treatment due to male infertility factor
- Those that want to avoid the risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
- Women diagnosed with polycystic ovaries or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Want more information about IVF treatment?
Download our free IVF guide to find out more.
Natural/Natural Modified IVF
Natural IVF works with your body’s own cycle, using little or no doses of medication. You’ll be monitored through your cycle with ultrasound scans at your local clinic, so we can be ready to collect the egg naturally selected by your body. Fertilisation takes place at our lab in Copenhagen and the embryo is transferred to your uterus. Natural cycle or Natural Modified IVF are particularly suitable for women who have lower ovarian reserve, for example due to age, early menopause or where AMH is very low.
Benefits of Natural/Natural Modified IVF?
- Either no medication, or lower doses
- Eggs and embryos considered higher quality
- Womb considered more receptive for implantation
- Evidence suggests that babies born with Natural IVF are more likely to be born at term and with a healthier birth weight
Who is Natural/Natural Modified IVF for?
- Women with a low egg reserve and either a low AMH level or an elevated FSH level
- Women or couples who have been unsuccessful with previous, hormonally stimulated IVF treatment
- Women who wish to avoid the side effects of hormonally stimulated IVF treatment
A message from our Medical Director
"By using little to no drugs, Mild and Natural IVF treatments are considerably kinder to women's bodies and carry fewer side effects and short and long-term health risks than conventional treatments."
Professor Geeta Nargund